Abigail Potsdam
Abigail Potsdam is a pseudonym. I was born and bred in the Christian Reformed Church. My family was deeply connected to the CRC, in the USA and in Canada. The way I see it now, looking back, is that our family has always been kind of like a family of…
Matthew Deroo
*A pseudonym. Matthew wants his story shared publicly but attaching his name would negatively affect family members in the CRC. My story begins like so many others: a childhood being raised in a Christian family and attending the nearby Christian Reformed Church every week. My world seemed to revolve around…
Reuben VanDam
*Reuben is a pseudonym. My name is Reuben. I am in my late 20s. I live and work in a small city a few hours away from the farm where I grew up. I attended university and graduated with a good job in a professional field. I am an uncle,…
Laura Eldon
*Laura is a pseudonym. Laura is proud of who she is, but she does not want to be disrespectful to those people in her story who could be seen in a negative light. I grew up attending a Christian Reformed Church in British Columbia, and I went to Christian schools…