David Hoekema is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and retired Academic Dean at Calvin University, and, in the winter, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Arizona. His most recent book, We Are the Voice of the Grass (Oxford University Press), recounts the tireless work of Christians and Muslims who came together to strive for an end to a brutal civil war in Uganda. In light of recent developments in the Christian Reformed Church, he is now a member of Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona and he also participates in the worship life of St. John’s Episcopal Church of Grand Haven, Michigan. Hiking, bicycling, choral music, old-timey string bands, and conversation with Christians whose minds and hearts are open to all are among the things that gladden his heart.
“I don’t want to see anyone leave, but as Abraham was asked to offer up Isaac in obedience to faith, I see this as an act of obedience to faith.”
The above comment was made by a delgate to Synod 2024 of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, speaking in favour of the ruling that churches unwilling to endorse its condemnation of gay marriage must “disaffiliate” from the denomination; quoted in The Banner.
In light of this comment made by one of the delegates at Synod 2024, David A. Hoekema shares a fictional story of an all too familiar scenario for our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters when their churches and family members see their rejection of gay marriage as ‘an act of obedience’ and the breakdown of relationships that are the result. Read David’s story from Reformed Journal. https://blog.reformedjournal.com/2024/07/03/abe-isaac-van-hollandsma/