Married, Yet Alone: When Your Partner Is In the Closet

As many churches, including the Christian Reformed Church, debate the Christian response to human sexuality, Yolanda has a message for pastors, parents, and pew-sitters: “let people be who they are.” (Photo credit: iStock).

On her wedding day, Yolanda knew she wasn’t in love, but she wasn’t too worried. There was still time for that. Plus, she was in love with the idea of being married, and so was her groom.

It was a quick decision and a short engagement. John (not his real name) proposed eight weeks after their first date, and they were married 10 months after that.

“Looking back, I knew I wasn’t in love with him, but I was desperate to get married and he looked like a very positive person,” she recalls. “We were both so in love with the idea of marriage, the romance of the marriage, the security, the fact that you’ve arrived.”

“In our circles, marriage was the ultimate, especially for a woman.”

John looked like a good prospect.

Click on the link below to read the rest of Yolanda’s Story.
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For further learning on mixed orientation marriages, we’ve added a blog post, a published academic paper and a YouTube video.